One of the ways God speaks to us is through reading the Bible. You may just open the Bible and begin reading and divinely there is your answer to whatever is troubling you. Or if you are having difficulty with fear, you can look in the back of most bibles and there is a “concordance “ with different passages that Jesus taught on fear. Like 2Tim 1:7,”For the Spirit of God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
The other reason the Bible is so important is that it shows us how we develop a relationship with God. We learn Gods ways. It is how He teaches us how to be more like Him. How to be happy by living a good life.
The Bible is divided into two books, The Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament has the sacred scripture of the Hebrew Bible written before the time of Christ. And the New Testament books were written after Jesus died by followers of Christ, in other words by Christians. All of our beliefs are found directly in the Bible and in tradition.
Even though it is one book, it contains many different smaller books within both the Old and New Testament. The Bible was written at different times by different authors for different purposes. I have heard it described as a mini library with collections of historical references, poetry, religious themed stories, letters, prophesies, and instructional stories written for our benefit. These books were inspired by God yet written by man.That is why the Bible has lasted over thousands of years. It’s wisdom, it’s power and love have endured for centuries.
It is important to note that the first four Gospels tell the life of Christ. These “biographies of Jesus were written within the lifetime of the apostles and based directly on eyewitness testimony.” (p.9 The Case for JESUS by Brant Pitre)Many will say that these books were written by anonymous writers but this is untrue.
Read the Bible for comfort and wisdom.
Peace and joy!